About us

Digunderwater is a snowboard group created in 2018 from passion for the sport and the love for creating and sharing content. We ride the indoor slopes in The Netherlands with friends and like to involve them within our projects.

With a set amount of videocamera’s we like to film projects whether its in the fridges or out in the open air. We are so ambitious that we usually have multiple projects running at the same time.

Apart from bigger video projects, we are most busy and active sharing phone footage on Instagram. Every time we go snowboarding we pull out our phone to catch some clips for little edits, or bash them in the story if we don’t feel like using it later.

The main focus of this current merchandise project is not to earn ourselves some pocket money. As you might have noticed we ask low prices for our products to set the bar lower to making a purchase. This decision was made with the goal to see as many people wearing our products. It gives us way more joy and satisfaction seeing you guys rocking our merch, opposing to seeing digits pop up in our bank account. The very few profits we make per sale is used to keep the website’s domain up and running.

Thank you for showing interest in our passion. View our Instagram page below presenting some of our latest posts. Much love <3